Thursday, September 8, 2011

The threeofive girls.

Dear reader, let me present to you, the threeofive girls. Four girls, not just sharing an apartment, but a lifestyle and a tremendous lot of laughter. Here they are, from the left:

Tattarn (The Vagrant) - The youngest one, but the one who knows the most on how to, let's call it economize. She can give us all daily tips on how to save money. Theme song: "Tattare är vi allihopa, allihopa, allihopa" (melody: Swedish traditional song).

Iron Ass - She is the one who either likes or dislikes things and presents her opinions with a matter-of-fact manner. She is also trying to teach us värmländska (the dialect spoken in her home region). Theme song: "Here comes Iron Ass, dudududududududududu..." (melody: Iron Man).

Grandma - The old and wise one who makes sure everybody stays alive and other small things. She provides the group with words of wisdom. Theme song: "Oh Grandma, oh oh. Oh Granda, oh oh oh oh" (Melody: Volare).

Bob (Bobster or Bobby) - The one who makes sure we never ever miss out on super cheap special offers and also the one who provide us with food to put in our lunch boxes. She can tell us how to cook and what music goes along with it. Theme song: "Broder Bobster, Broder Bobster sover du, sover du?" (melody: Brother Jacob).


  1. Looks like a great little family! :-)

  2. Känns tryggt att du har en redig värmländska hos dig ;)

  3. Du verkar trivas Bergström! Som alltid:) Saknar dig!

  4. Sandra: Jaa, jag gillar't!
    Frame: Kom och hälsa på!
    Misan: puss!
