Monday, January 23, 2012

Some days you just have to look a bit closer for the silver lining.

Some mornings, some days, sometimes, the best skill to hold is the ability to find the silver lining that always is there – somewhere. No matter how grey the morning seems, the day holds a whole lot of opportunities and it will start shining if you only allow it to .

Some mornings, some days, sometimes, you have to remind yourself that the ability to feel is a good one, no matter how grey the moment seems to be. Don't be afraid of listening to your heart. And know that, in the end, being true to yourself will always be a good thing.

Some mornings, some days, sometimes, you just have to look a bit closer to find the silver lining. But it sure is there. Even though you don't always see it, your are so extremely lucky. Remind your heart about that. And keep on being true to yourself. Keep on feeling.

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