We were in class the other day, talking about how the media covers certain events, making them bigger than they actually are - obviously referring to Hurricane Irene - when the professor (Cramer, by the way, brilliant man) says something I don't understand. What I heard was something like "Well, we all remember why-to-kay! Oh maybe you are to young for that."
Well, I am Grandma, but I figured I am too, too young for remembering why-to-kay, 'cause I had no idea wat he was referring to. Shortly after, when he said something about nineteen ninety nine and new year's eve, I realized he was obviously talking about the turn of the millennium.
Y2K [why-to-kay] = Year Two Thousand.
Things like that just make the Linguist happy inside out. Yey!
Det är lite roligt med sådana där förkortningar, som blir uttryck. Fast oftast går det ju bra med de ursprungliga orden också. När jag jobbade på en IT-avdelning i slutet av 90-talet jobbade alla intensivt med Y2K (mycket att ställa om i datorerna). Varför inte år 2000? Det låter lite coolare med Y2K :)