Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Midsummer to y'all!

The most Swedish day of them all is here - Midsummer!

I'm doing it the traditional way: going out tho the country side, to my sister's summer house by the lake. I'm in charge of the strawberry cake and the others will bring with them herring, salmon, pies with cheese from my home province and new potatoes. Everything you need to get it as Swedish as it can be.

I will go out in the woods to pick some wild flowers. I will make sure we build a maypole - midsommarstång, as we say in Swedish - and I hope we will play at least one game of kubb. I will stay away from the nubbe - snaps is not my cup of tea anymore - but will make sure to enjoy one cold, delicious beer to dinner.

I will probaly have mosquitoe bites all over my body and sit under a blanket to watch the sun go down, only to rise a few hours later. Before going to bed, I will put seven different flowers under my pillow in order to dream about my future Prince.

That's what we do at Midsummer Eve. 

I wish you all light, love and laughter!

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