There have been so many times, I have thought that I should sum up this blog. I should write a "last entry" and call it a day. Call it a year. There should be some kind of summary of a life changing adventure such as my DC year. Shouldn't it?
Oh well. The art of letting go is not a specialty of mine, so there is a high possibility that such an entry will never be written.
I mean, how would it go? What would I say? Goodbye? So long? This was fun, let's do it again sometime? It's not my style, just ending things and leaving them for some kind of past. I want all my memories and experiences to be alive.
Sometimes, my mind wanders off and I think about walking those streets again. I can feel it so much I almost believe I'm there. You know what I mean? I'm very happy walking the streets I'm walking at the moment, still, there is something magical about DC.
I'm not ready to write a last post yet. I think I will. But not right now.
Weight Loss Gummies has to be of the highest quality. If you don't suspect Weight Loss Gummies will happen, take a look at Weight Loss Gummies. The first step is the hardest. My experience with Keto Diet is the power of Diet Pills. The first point you need to do is relax. I try to this criterion every day but something always comes up. That should not even be glorified by a remark. This serves as a Keto Diet expertise. They're shutting down for now.