Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tick, tick, tick. The life of a student is close to the end.

I'm trying to enjoy the life of a student for one or two more days now. Trying to appreciate the beauty of spending an afternoon writing at Busboys & Poets (today, in Shirlington) and take advantage of the flexible hours.

I have three assignments to tick off my list before taking off for a Christmas break:

- Group project presentation for Business and Communications class
- Revise a column (which actually is voluntarily, but for a diligent student there is never really a choice)
- Write a fact sheet and a background story for a PR class

Friday afternoon, I'll leave the classroom and God knows when I'll be back. Let me tell you that as much as I do enjoy the life of a student, I also loathe it. It's an awkward love-hate-relationship and I'm ready to move into something else now. Just three more assignments to go. Tick, tick, tick.

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