Monday, October 10, 2011

305 girls and New York City.

How do you sum up a weekend as lovely as this one? New York City - I have no other words than a big, fat wow. What an amazing city. How I would love to just spend every single day walking around there with my camera - preferably in comfortable shoes.

A picture is worth more than a thousand words, so they say. But how do I pick out that one picture to tell the story? That's an impossible task. I will just start by giving you a picture of me and my lovely travel partners, chilling at the bar where Carrie (yes, she exists) had her last single girl kiss (yes, we went on a Sex And The City-sightseeing).

No single-girl-kissing by that bar for us, but definitely a we-love-life-moment! NYC, we will be back.

At Buddakan New York City 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, NYC, I love it and it's been far too long since I was there last... Thanks for your comment! =)
